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Help, a customer is not sure about my proposal!

You are satisfied with the conversation and the proposal you sent afterward. You think there is a good chance that you can carry out the assignment, and you are even looking forward to it. Then it is quite a bit to swallow if the customer or prospect indicates that he does not know yet. But it is not, however, a reason to be discouraged. On the contrary, it is an extra opportunity! The customer or prospect may need more information to make a decision. Read on to find out how best to dispel any doubts.

Help, a customer is not sure about my proposal!

Assumptions and proposals

Milou: If I have sent my proposal and the customer then e-mails that he wants to sleep on it one more night, I am disappointed. What else can I do other than show decent and polite understanding? I also don't want to pressure him and ask him if he thought the price was too high; doesn't that all backfire?

Maybe you recognize something of yourself in Milou? Who wouldn't I almost say, after all, we are all human? On the other hand, waiting means not finding out why the customer or prospect has doubts. You think the customer or prospect is in doubt because of the price, but you cannot be sure. That is why I advise you not to wait. Act as if you were in a conversation. Put yourself in the shoes of the other, collect information and check whether you have understood something correctly. If you do not leave yourself and the customer with doubts, take them away and help them make the right choice.

How do you remove doubts? 3 Tips

Of course, it helps if you already know how to avoid any doubts or objections. If you identify and refute these in advance, you are well prepared for your sales conversation and your proposal. If the customer or prospect still has doubts afterward, always contact us. Ask him what he is unsure about and what the reason or cause is. Take this opportunity! Make a maybe and resounding yes. The following three tips will help you:

Tip 1: Ask and listen

You sell mainly by listening carefully. If you ask about the doubts, focus on the answer and check that it is actually what he means. That can sometimes differ. Everyone communicates in their own way. Let the other person finish and ask reflective questions such as: if I understand correctly, then you mainly have doubts about the speed of delivery, is this correct? Asking reflective questions always pays off. You can remove any doubts in a targeted manner, and besides, the customer or prospect notices that you are listening, which makes him more open to your arguments or solutions.

Listen to your customer

Tip 2: if the customer is unsure about the price

If the price is in doubt, ask why. The customer or prospect may also have received other offers and it could just be a matter of comparing apples with pears. In that case, state the return on the investment, explain how the price was established, and indicate the included things, but not mentioned. It may also be that the customer or prospect is okay with the price but wondering why he should choose you specifically. Then give him your added value in comparable situations or assignments. For example, your efforts have led to more 20% sales or your advice has solved a particular problem for good. PS: if you don't know the answer right away, say you'll get back to it in a day or two. This will prevent you from answering too quickly and regretting it afterward.

Tip 3: Doubt about your plans

For example, you have made a proposal for a product launch. If the customer or prospect indicates that it may be a bit too early at this stage, ask what the right timing would be. Listen carefully and find out how critical fast results are to him. And… how important are immediate results to you? It's very possible that procrastination could be smarter at this stage. If it does not solve anything or worse: your customer or prospect would miss the boat because of this, explain this to him and preferably give examples of similar cases. Better postpone an assignment if a customer or prospect is losing!

Then just this ...

Never consider yourself a loser if the customer or prospect still cancels your proposal. The listening attitude and the effort you have taken may lead him to choose you next time.

Gabriëlle de Sain

Gabriëlle de Sain

- Sales


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