Transparent pricing

Start today and win more new business. Try the powerful proposal software for yourself.

billed annually
billed monthly
ProfessionalsStandard$ 14.00 per month
1 user
Unlimited proposals
Standard functionalities
Professionals & TeamsPremium$ 32.50 per month
5+ users & rights
Unlimited proposals
Extended functionalities
Custom domain
Sharing between accounts
Integrations & API
Automations & reminders

14 day free trial with no obligations

No costsGet started within minutesNo automatic renewalExperience the opportunitiesStart your free trial

Free 14 day trial

When you start your trial you're not obligated to anything and you don't have to pay. Only when subscribing to the paid service (manually) you start paying the fee.

No automatic renewal

There will be no extra costs and your subscription stops automatically when you don't extend it. All prices are excluding 21% vat


Your account details are stored on secure servers in amsterdam. All connections are made via ssl and your account is backed up every day.

Custom domain

With this feature it is possible to adjust the proposal presentation link to your own taste. Proposals are then viewed by a customer, for example, at You also have to possibility to send email by using your own domain.

Sharing between accounts

The ability to connect multiple offorte accounts and share favorites. Super handy if, for example, you work with multiple branches and you want to manage the favorites from the head office. Or as a branch organization want to share favorites with members.

Integrations & api

A technical api is available with which programmers can control offorte via code. With this, a link can be made manually between different systems. You can also use the integrations, including This way you can make connections with 1300+ different systems without technical knowledge.

Pay per month or year

You can choose between a monthly or yearly subscription. We think it's amazing when you choose the yearly subscription and therefor give you a nice discount on the monthly fee. You can cancel anytime, though that would make us really sad.

More users

Choose the premium plan if you need multiple users. When signing up, you can select the number of users. Pricing is based on groups of 5 users. Need more users? easily adjust the number in your subscription. For example:

5 users is $49 per month or $390 per year
10 users is $98 per month or $780 per year.

Got any questions?

Let us know via the support section or use the button at the bottom right. We will help you as quickly as possible and respond within a few hours.

Customer reviews of Offorte

Ready to get started?

Try Offorte for free during the 14 day trial

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