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Sneakpreview new proposal editor and display

A completely new proposal editor & viewer has been working hard for months. It will take a while before you can start using it, but today you can already see a first sneak preview.

Sneakpreview Offorte

Work in progress

The video preview shows the first images of the new editor. What is shown is still far from complete and is subject to change. So there is still hard work and there are still a lot of things that need to be made missing. In short, a real sneakpreview. Your feedback is, as always, very welcome.

Why a new editor & view

The current editor and proposal view have been in (through) development since 2010. In order to be able to develop great new features and improvements in the coming years, the current technical basis no longer met and it was high time for a new technical architecture.

What exactly is changing?

In terms of technology, the new editor & view is completely redeveloped. But with the new editor & view, it doesn't suddenly take the helm in terms of user experience. The operation of the software has been carefully perfected in recent years and it would be a shame to throw away all that knowledge and experience. Therefore, a strategy has been chosen where you experience the new editor as familiar, the operation is similar as you are used to and you don't suddenly have to recreate your proposals. On the contrary, you can just keep working as you do now, only you have more functionalities and you will experience the new editor as more pleasant and faster.


No concrete go-live date is planned yet, but global goal is before the end of the year. And with a bit of luck even mid-summer you can get started with the editor.

Dennis Wiemer

Dennis Wiemer

- Product Updates


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